
Let Gulfport Art Studio help you design your next mural.

Whatever you want can be done and can accomodate any budget.

Attention to detail and customer service is no. 1.

Indoor or outdoor murals on a variety of mediums (house, walls, cement block, privacy fence, floors etc.)

18 palms mural
Tropical mural
Tikis on fence
Hawaiin  scene
Hurricane Reef
Hurricane Reef
Bahamanian cottages
Key West bar
Capt. Cherys place
turtle close up
Sally's pool
Loraes palm
Loraes mural
Loeaes other corner
Jellons corner
Jellons wall cont.
Jellon herself
Cat in the Hat
Sponge Bob and friends
Undersea Escape
Undersea Escape closer up
Lost lands
Winter Village
REEF !!!!
1 of 4
18 palms mural

18 palms mural

A mural which wraps the back of the screened enclosure. 3 coats of paint tons of detail up close millions of stars.

6'H x 35'W


Tropical mural

Tropical mural

oil painting on cement block home
screened room

Tikis on fence

Tikis on fence

Tikis, totems, painted on exterior
plywood, primed painted and sealed
You let me know what you want and I
can create it.

72"H x 39"W

450 per tiki

Hawaiin  scene

Hawaiin scene

Painted this on a backyard privacy fence 24 ft long primed fence 1st nice mural then sealed to
last in the SUN.

8'H x 24'W


Hurricane Reef

Hurricane Reef

Nice acrylic mural on wall

6'H x 5'W

Mural and Faux 250 sq. ft. room

Hurricane Reef

Hurricane Reef

Mural painted on faux wall

Bahamanian cottages

Bahamanian cottages

I painted this mural around a cluster of about
5 little metal wall hangings really fun project
also painting the frame border too ! wrap around 2 walls

5'H x 12'W


Key West bar

Key West bar

Very cool people love Key West...lets spice it up painted cool plants under bar suggested terracotta walls (Was white) painted all the walls too with rope details around window

8'H x 40'W


Capt. Cherys place

Capt. Cherys place

Painted grouper and turtle for a good friend
her Mom is in photo a Fishin and Shark tooth huntin Extrordinairre....

6'H x 4.5'W


turtle close up

turtle close up

Detail of Capt. Chery's mural

Sally's pool

Sally's pool

Very cool wrap around mural. Side of pool and also around garage with tiki bar

8'H x 30'W

Loraes palm

Loraes palm

closer up

Loraes mural

Loraes mural

Fun project painted on exterior very grooved wood it all works out takes a bit longer but cool results

8"H x 20"W


Loeaes other corner

Loeaes other corner

Jellons corner

Jellons corner

painted a clients whole bedroom (FUN)

Jellons wall cont.

Jellons wall cont.

Another wall with closet door

Jellon herself

Jellon herself

The Doctor enjoying her space :)


Cat in the Hat

Cat in the Hat

Kids bedroom even though the murals look simple they still take time this was a 14 hr. job


Sponge Bob and friends

Sponge Bob and friends

Latex interior paint walls then lay on acool kiddie mural at Health South pediatric waiting room!

8'H x 15'W

Undersea Escape

Undersea Escape

40 ft. x 14 ft. mural

Undersea Escape closer up

Undersea Escape closer up

close up of 40 ft. x 14 ft. mural

Lost lands

Lost lands

A mural in progress 40 ft.x 16 ft. acrylic on canvas

Winter Village

Winter Village

A 40 ft. by 14 ft. mural I painted

REEF !!!!

REEF !!!!

7'H x 50'W